Developed by the Philadelphia-based indie studio called Matrioshka Games, Expedition Agartha is set to debut in exactly two weeks on Steam Early Access. The full game should be launched within two years at the latest. Explorers and Mercenaries from around the world find themselves on a mysterious island in the Lost Continent of Mu. In the depths of the earth, the Secrets of Agartha wait to be discovered. Players will launch expeditions solo or with up to two other friends and fight their way across the island. The game features a hardcore full loot PvP experience. Dangerous NPCs roam the regions, but even more lethal players stalk the land in search of treasure and blood… Enter raids, loot for resources, defeat enemies, complete quests, and extract to safety. Expedition Agartha will be Early Access at launch. KEY FEATURES

Explore a lost island filled with danger and loot. Encounter bandits and beasts as you make your way through unfamiliar territory. Discover ancient ruins and ponder the mysteries of humanity’s true past. Fight in visceral combat involving light attacks, heavy attacks, blocks, and dodges. This means every fight is a skill-based battle of life or death. Co-op with parties of 3 players and launch an expedition. Ruthlessly hunt down other players, or build alliances to make it out alive together. Loot and equip a variety of medieval weapons and gear from various warrior cultures to suit your play style and aesthetic. Competitive, match-based experience where dying could mean losing everything. A successful expedition means high rewards, but death will cost you all your gear. Play as a Freebooter(low-risk, low-rewards) and enter the expedition with free low-tier equipment without any character progression, or play as a Mercenary(high-risk, high-reward) and bring your own hard-earned gear with quest and skill progression.

Check out the Expedition Agartha announcement trailer below.

Expedition Agartha Is a Hardcore 1st Person Medieval Looter Survival Game - 37Expedition Agartha Is a Hardcore 1st Person Medieval Looter Survival Game - 16Expedition Agartha Is a Hardcore 1st Person Medieval Looter Survival Game - 74Expedition Agartha Is a Hardcore 1st Person Medieval Looter Survival Game - 62Expedition Agartha Is a Hardcore 1st Person Medieval Looter Survival Game - 77